military planes Here comes a success story of Russia flying its military plane over the top of the world to the archipelago. This is the famous island best known for its rare bird species and the walruses in the arctic. Further it has added a tension in relations with the west. The US has once again accused the Moscow of militarizing the arctic and the head of Russia’s northern fleet discussed the matter with media. He said that the NATO and US military activity in the region is definitely proactive and on the scale not seen in the World War 2.
Since the day, arctic has been a priority for Russia with making it visit the facility on the Alexandra Island over two hours flight from the Murmansk up over the arctic. The Russian air field has been upgraded with all kinds of facilities to allow various kinds of planes that would land all rounds the year through emerging on the tarmac was earlier likely to step on to the ice rink. This stands less than 960 km below the north pole with extreme conditions like deep snowdrifts and blizzards even during the mid of may. It’s for some time, the rattling along in a military truck and makes it difficult to even look out of the window. Even during the deepest of winter, the temperature drops to -50 degrees and the soldiers occasionally have to move out in their vehicles to disperse the polar bears those amble right up to their base.
The structure is designed as like a space station, which is meant to make the statement of the Russian flag painted bright against the blank canvas all around. This is known as the arctic trefoil and is three leaved shaped. Its base is the second of its kind in the arctic and is meant for around 150 soldiers. Ahead of the tour, the commander in charge said that it was so high tech as well as ecologically efficient like a play station just in the arctic emptiness instead of in the orbit.
The main show stands out where the bastion missile launcher raises and lowers their firing mechanisms as a soldier in completely white camouflage stands guard, gun across his chest. The missile systems designed are to destroy the ships of the enemies with priority of its effectiveness. The northern fleet has put on the far greater show of strength earlier the year with three nuclear submarines smashed through the ice simultaneously with manoeuvre who was never seen before. On the same arctic exercises, two military planes fighter’s jets flew over the North Pole with refueling in mid air.
Such kind of posturing is making the United States and NATO wary as the Russia military presence in the region expanding to the level which was not even seen during the cold war. The way is known as the arctic trefoil for its best three leaved shape with the base of its kind in the arctic and is meant for 150 soldiers. Ahead of the tour, the commander in charge is said it to be so high-tech and ecologically efficient that makes It significant as like a space station just in the loneliness of the arctic. The main source of show is outside where the bastion missile launchers raise and lower their firing mechanisms as a soldier in white camouflaging stand guard with gun across his chest. It’s the northern fleet that has put on so far with the greater show of strength and when the three nuclear submarines smashed through the ice simultaneously, then a manoeuvre was never seen earlier. On the same arctic exercises, two fighter jets flew over the North Pole refueling in the mid air. Such kind of gesture refers to the making of the United States and NATO wary as the Russia’s military presence in the region expands to the level it is not seen since the cold war. Even the NATO spokes women confirmed that the alliance had stepped up its patrols and exercises in response with more challenging security based environment.
NATO buildup:-
With reports suggesting certain blame is being generated on NATO, but Russia doesn’t look to it any way it’s like. Before flowing to the archipelago, Russia says to have bussed to the battleship moored into the closed military town of severomorsk. At 252 meters long, the nuclear powered peter the great is the giant grey flagship of the northern fleet. Under various surveys, the fleet’s commander, Adm Alexander Moiseyev, addressed us in the front of a portrait of peter I, the Tsar who founded Russia’s navy and then turned the country towards the west. But he accused NATO forces and the US of military actions in the arctic that increased the risk of conflict. It is also a fact that there haven’t been so many of their forces here for years. Not since the World War 2, countered by Adm Moiseyev, when I put it to him that NATO blamed Russia for the surge in tension. “We see such activity as provocative so close to the Russian border where we have some very important assets. By that, it means the nuclear forces.
With the Russian build up the troops are again returning to the region Russia abandoned in the 1990s when the Soviet Union fell apart.
It’s just recreating the capacity to protect the borders and not to threaten any one. This is the argument made by Lev Voronkov, who is an arctic expert from the MGIMO University. After the USSR collapsed, even the border posts in that region were left unmanned. But that won’t be an option for longer period. As the polar ice melts, removing a protective natural curtain, Russia’s long northern frontier will get vulnerable soon. As the bastion missile launcher danced from the lens on Alexandra Island, a Russian ice breaker cutting through the frozen landscape in the distance was seen. A small cargo ship then followed in its wake and then an ice berg loomed behind both of them.