Dating App Company Match Group Names in India

Dating App Company Match Group Names in India

Match Group is a company that owns several dating apps. The company was created after merged with several other dating companies to form one large company.

Match Group is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and was founded in 1993 by Gary Kremen and Greg Blatt. In 1997, Match Group went public on NASDAQ, then again in 1999 when it acquired People Media for USD 10 million. In 2007, the company received French-based Meetic for USD 270 million before merging with other dating sites like OkCupid and PlentyOfFish by 2010 to form what we now know as Match Group today.

Google Swipes Left on Dating App Company Match Group

Match Group is a dating app company that owns Tinder, OkCupid, and other dating apps. The company has recently raised $800 million in funding to expand its reach with new services.

​Google recently rented out office space to stop the expansion of Match Group. The company was uncomfortable with the development of dating apps due to risks associated with data privacy and security issues.

Mountain View Tech Giant Rents Out Office Space to Halt Expansion of Tinder Parent

Google, the company that owns YouTube, has rented out office space in Mountain View to halt the expansion of Tinder parent Match Group.

Match Group is a dating app company founded by Sean Rad and Jonathan Badeen. The company was created after successfully selling its first dating app “Tinder,” for 1 billion dollars to IAC/InterActiveCorp (IAC).

Google does not want to be associated with Match Group because Google wants to distance itself from anything related to dating apps because of the negative reputation associated with them, as well as avoid backlash from employees working at Google who might find it offensive if they were forced into working alongside people who make money off of these kinds of websites and apps.

The search giant said it is ‘uncomfortable’ with the expansion of dating apps due to ‘risks.’

  • The search giant said it is “uncomfortable” with the expansion of dating apps due to “risks.”
  • Google has been concerned about the rise of dating apps for some time, but its concerns were heightened when Match Group – which owns Tinder, PlentyOfFish, and OkCupid – announced plans to enter China.
  • In a letter from Google’s chief privacy officer Keith Enright to Match Group CEO Sam Yagan sent last week (11 February), he said: “We believe that a decision by your company to offer these services in China would pose an unacceptable risk to our users’ privacy and safety.

Match Group declined to comment on Google, saying it doesn’t publicly discuss its leased spaces.

 declined to comment on Google, saying it doesn’t publicly discuss its leased spaces.

Match Group declined to comment on Google, saying it doesn’t publicly discuss its leased spaces.

Google declined to comment, citing tenant privacy policies.

Google declined to comment, citing tenant privacy policies. According to a Bloomberg report earlier this year, Google’s lease at the property expires in 2022.

Match Group owns Tinder, OkCupid, and, among other dating services. It has been battling with Spotify over how much data each company can access from their respective apps that use a similar login system: Facebook logins for Spotify and Google logins for Match Group’s dating apps. The two companies reached an agreement late last year that allowed users of both services to continue using their Facebook or Google accounts without having to sign up separately on each app or website they use after March 2020 (if you want more info about what happened, there check out our article on it).

Dating app company Match Group can’t catch a break from bad publicity lately.

the parent company of Tinder and, can’t catch a break from bad publicity lately. The company has been sued twice in 2019 for age discrimination—first by an employee and then by Tinder users.

Match Group’s problems started when a former employee filed suit against it in January, accusing the dating app’s parent company of age discrimination against employees over 40 years old. The lawsuit alleges that promotes younger workers while pushing out older ones with lower salaries and fewer opportunities for advancement. In this case, the plaintiff claims that she was demoted after complaining about her human resources (HR) treatment.


The biggest names in dating apps have all been founded in the last decade, and they’re all based in the US. But as soon as they hit Asia, they start to get very interesting. The first big Asian app company is OkCupid (founded in 2009), which Match Group acquired in 2011. Then there’s Tinder (founded in 2012), which has grown into a $1 billion company with offices worldwide.

Now we’re seeing more and more companies making their mark on the scene: Hinge (founded 2013), Coffee Meets Bagel (founded 2013), and Happn (founded 2014) have all made their name for themselves, but none of them have reached the same level of popularity yet as Tinder or OkCupid.


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