Applying Online for Election or Voter Card in Gujarat

Applying Online for Election or Voter Card in Gujarat

The Election Commission of India (ECI) has launched the National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme (NERPAP) to remove duplications and fake voters from the electoral rolls. The programme was started on June 8th, 2016, to update the electoral rolls in all states/ UTs by March 2019 as per the latest census data. Under this programme, all eligible citizens are asked to apply for a new voter id card or update their details online or offline. You can check your name on the electoral roll at any polling station in your constituency or apply for one online or offline using a simple form provided by ECI.

Voter ID Card Online Registration in Gujarat

So what is a voter ID card? A Voter ID Card, also known as Voter Card or Election Card, is an identity document issued to the citizens of India by the Election Commission of India (ECI). It enables a citizen to prove their identity so they can vote in elections and also helps them in case they cannot cast their vote for some reason.

The Voter ID Card Online Registration process is straightforward and takes only 10 minutes to complete. You have to follow these steps:

  • Visit
  • Fill in all your details like name, father’s name, date of birth etc., along with your residential address on
  • Upload your photograph & signature images from your desktop/laptop computer or mobile phone/tablet

New Voter ID Card Online Application Form in Gujarat

The process of applying for a new voter id card has been made very simple to make it easier for people to get their voter ID cards. You can apply for a unique voter ID online from any part of Gujarat state by submitting the application form online or offline. In case of an offline application, you will be required to submit a copy of your identity proof and address proof along with your photograph when you submit the application form offline in front of the electoral registration officer or deputy electoral registration officer.

To know more about the eligibility criteria and other details regarding how to apply for a new voter ID Card online application form in Gujarat through Online Registration Process, please read further in this article:

Know Your Name on Electoral Roll

  • Know Your Name on Electoral Roll
  • Know Your Address on Electoral Roll
  • Know Your Photo on Electoral Roll
  • Voter ID Number (Voter Card Number) of the candidate whose membership is being sought. The voter card number is a seven-digit code printed on the bottom right corner of your voter identity card. It starts with “27” and ends with three alphabets, in this case, “6254”. This field may be left blank if you do not know your Voter ID or cannot find it from among other documents mentioned above.

Forms published by the Election Commission of India

The forms published by the Election Commission of India are:

  • Form 6 – Application for inclusion in the electoral roll
  • Form 7 – Application for transfer of enrolment to another constituency or Assembly Constituency
  • Form 8 – Application for cancellation of the entry in the electoral roll, which has left India temporarily and intends to return within a year from the date of issue of such application to any district or municipality in India.
  • Form 9 – Written request for deletion from the electoral roll because they are no longer resident at the place mentioned therein or at all. This form may also be used by a person who wants to include his name again after deletion on account of mala fide reasons like change in personal details etc., not covered under other applicable categories like change in address due to marriage etc., who has changed his/her residence within Gujarat state but still wishes inclusion on electoral roll till changing it officially through process laid down under provisions of Representation Of The People Act 1951 (1951) and Rules made thereunder along with affidavit supporting same along with reason(s) behind non-inclusion earlier; or whose age is over 21 years but less than 25 years old on January 1st 2019; or whose age is below 21 years as on January 1st 2019 but has completed 18 years i.e., up until midnight before midnight between December 31st 2018 & January 1st 2019, can apply for inclusion against this category by paying prescribed fee online through their bank accounts which are linked with Aadhar Number issued by Unique Identification Authority Of India (UIDAI).

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme

What is the National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme?

It is a nationwide exercise to ensure that the electoral rolls are updated, maintain a clean and error-free electoral roll and enable voters to get their identity cards without difficulty.

What are the documents required to apply for a Voter ID Card?

You must submit original documents such as your Aadhaar card, driving license or passport.

documents required for voter id card offline

  • Voter ID Card Application Form
  • Passport size photograph
  • PAN card. If your name is different from your father’s on the Pan card, you must attach an affidavit along with the petition. The Pan card should contain your present address and be valid for a minimum of 6 months.
  • Aadhaar Card (for applicants applying through online application mode only). If you do not have an Aadhaar number yet, please go to to register for this unique identification number before applying for Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC).

How to apply for a voter id card online or offline in Gujarat?

There are two ways you can apply for a voter ID card in Gujarat: online and offline. The online system is quick, simple, and convenient. However, you must have an e-mail address or mobile phone number to receive confirmation about your application status. If you don’t have either of these things, then it’s best not to use this method because there will be no way for us to contact you with updates or questions about your application if we need further information from you.

The offline process involves submitting various documents at a government office or sub-office near where you live or work so that they may print out a copy of your voter ID card for free when it arrives at their office after processing time has elapsed (generally two weeks). This option is available regardless of whether or not someone has access to e-mail addresses/telephone numbers because there will always be someone else present who can verify whether or not someone was present during those dates before issuing them an official document like this one!


The Election Commission of India has made it easier to apply for a voter ID card online or offline in Gujarat. This article outlines the steps to apply for a new voter ID card in Gujarat.


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